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CAD Skill Builders -Fusion 360
Fusion 360 if a new computer drawing software which combines CAD (computer aided drawing) and CAM (Computer aided manufacturing) in one piece of software. So you can take your computer model from digital form to a file type that can be CNC machined in a seamless manner. It is also free for students!
Click here to -Download fusion 360
Sketching Knowledge & Skill Builders
Week 9
KSB 18- Restructuring Components
KSB 19-Duplicating Components
KSB 20- Working with distributed Data
KSB 21-Using as-built joint
KSB 22-Applying a joint origin
* Complete the KSB's an include 1 document drawing of an assembly. (your choice)
Week 10
Current Week
Week 11
KSB 23- Modal Frequencies
KSB 24- Static Stress
KSB 25- Structural Buckling
KSB 26- Thermal Stress
Fusion Files
All starter files located within
samples> basic training in fusion
* Complete the KSB's an include 1 original stress test on your own design
Week 12
Fusion Files
All starter files located within
samples> basic training in fusion
* Complete the KSB's an include 1 original stress test on your own design
Final Exam
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