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MST - Math, Science, Technology
Preview the high school MST (Math, Science, Technology) class. This class content takes a theme approach to teaching applied math and science concepts while using Hands-on technical skills in project based learning.

Creating a "start-up" company for the new budding civilization
Rocketry and Flight

Rocketry Basics
Fundamentals of rocketry construction and function

Body Tube Construction
Video Clip on how to make a body tube

Relative Wind and Streamlining
How does your rocket balance? How to aerodynamics effect your rocket?

Tail Fin Construction
Video Clip on how to make your tail fins

Nose Cone Design
Elements of designing a nose cone

Nose Cone Construction
Video Clip on how to make your nose cone

Engine Mounts
How to mount your rocket engine

Measuring Flight

Pre-Launch Data Collection
Fill this out prior to launch date
Mars Rover

Mars Rover Package Procurement
Communicating with Landing Sites

High Speed Transit

